How to Get an Assistance Dog in the UK: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mar 14,2023

If you are someone who requires assistance with everyday tasks, such as mobility support or help with mental health conditions, getting an assistance dog may be a viable option. Assistance dogs are trained to provide specific types of support to their owners and can be a valuable asset in improving their quality of life. In this post, we will discuss the steps you need to take to get an assistance dog in the UK.

Step 1: Determine if You are Eligible 

Before getting an assistance dog, it is important to determine if you are eligible. In the UK, assistance dogs are typically reserved for those with disabilities or long-term health conditions. Some common examples of eligible conditions include:

  • Visual impairments or blindness
  • Hearing impairments or deafness
  • Physical disabilities
  • Epilepsy
  • Diabetes
  • PTSD and other mental health conditions

If you have a condition that is not on this list, you may still be eligible for an assistance dog if you require help with everyday tasks.

Step 2: Choose the Right Type of Assistance Dog 

There are different types of assistance dogs, and it is important to choose the right one based on your needs. Some of the most common types of assistance dogs in the UK include:

  • Guide Dogs: trained to assist those with visual impairments or blindness
  • Hearing Dogs: trained to assist those with hearing impairments or deafness
  • Mobility Dogs: trained to assist those with physical disabilities
  • Medical Alert Dogs: trained to detect and respond to changes in a person’s medical condition, such as diabetes or epilepsy
  • Autism Assistance Dogs: trained to assist those with autism or other developmental disorders
  • Psychiatric Assistance Dogs: trained to assist those with mental health conditions, such as PTSD or anxiety disorders

Step 3: Find a Suitable Assistance Dog Provider 

Once you have determined your eligibility and chosen the right type of assistance dog, the next step is to find a suitable assistance dog provider. There are several organisations in the UK that train and provide assistance dogs to those in need. Some of the most well-known organisations include:

  • Assistance Dogs UK
  • Dogs for Good
  • Canine Partners
  • Guide Dogs
  • Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

When choosing a provider, it is important to research their training methods. We have to mention here that the waiting list of these organizations can be lenghty (over 2 years). 

Therefore, more and more people prefer to train their own assistance dog. This means they buy a puppy and then train it themselves or with the help of a professional dog trainer. If you would like to get your own dog to become a qualified assistance dog, the simple and effective way is training your dog with Certified Online Assistance Dog Training Course here. In this way, you can skip Step 4 to Step 5. 

Step 4: Apply for an Assistance Dog 

After finding a suitable provider, the next step is to apply for an assistance dog. The application process may vary depending on the provider, but generally, it will involve filling out an application form and providing medical documentation that confirms your eligibility.

Step 5: Go Through the Assessment Process 

Once your application has been received, you will likely need to go through an assessment process. This may involve a home visit from a trainer or an assessment of your medical condition to determine your specific needs. It is important to be honest and open during this process to ensure that you are matched with the right assistance dog.

Step 6: Attend Training with Your Assistance Dog

If you are approved for an assistance dog, the next step is to attend training with your dog. This will help you to build a strong bond with your dog and learn how to work together to complete everyday tasks. Training may take several weeks or months, depending on your needs and the type of assistance dog you have.

Step 7: Enjoy the Benefits of Your Assistance Dog 

After completing training, you can enjoy the benefits of your assistance dog. Assistance dogs can provide a wide range of support, from mobility assistance to emotional support. They can help you to live more independently and improve your overall quality of life.

In conclusion, getting an assistance dog in the UK involves several steps, from determining eligibility to attending training with your dog. By following these steps and understanding the process, you can be sure to find a dog that meets your needs and have an enjoyable experience.